How To Build A Profitable Property Portfolio In 2020 …Without Needing A Big Pile Of Cash Or Years Of Experience To Get Started! 
And achieve the level of freedom and choice that you deserve in life! 

Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington

Saturday 1st February 2020

9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

From Cleaning Toilets To Cleaning Up The Property Market… 

Hey, I'm Paul Preston,

We may not have met personally yet, but if you’d known me a few years ago, I was a shadow of the person I am today, and it’s because of property that I was able to turn my life around. But, back then, I was the guy that everyone politely ignores, on his hands and knees (literally), working as a cleaner, scrubbing toilets for £6/hour. 

My aspirations, self-belief, self-worth, sense of pride and motivation had quite literally been flushed down the toilet too...

If you'd have told that Paul, that within a few short years that he’d become a successful property investor, that he’d build a successful property portfolio, that’d he’d win awards for helping thousands of other people to become financially free through property too…that Paul would never have believed you. But, that's how quickly your fortunes can change in this world when you’re prepared to try.

With the right system, support, education, and choices, it’s possible to flip EVERYTHING on its head and make the changes and get the results that you truly want in life! Have you ever thought; “There’s more to life than this?”. Well you’re right – there IS more...

Whatever Your Life Looks Like Now, 

If You Want To Make A Change, You Can

No one should have to live a life then don’t enjoy. Stress, being under-paid, under-valued, feeling stuck or trapped, no real savings and worried about the future, a life full of limitations. Surely that’s not what ‘living’ is meant to be like!

Not in this day and age. 

Not when in 12-months time you could be well on your way to complete freedom and a secure future for you and your family. 
If that's something you want, Property 2020 is a must-attend event! 
Property helped me literally turn my life around, and I believe that when you’ve found something that’s been so life changing for you (as property has been for me), I personally believe that you have a duty to pass that on and help other people…and that’s exactly why I’m running this event: to help people, perhaps just like you, to join the dots between where you are now in life, and where you want to be, through property. 
(And that's why there are a number of FREE tickets to Property 2020!) 

Looking back to where I was before property, my experience is that

financial freedom is a lot closer than you think! 

In fact, you can take your next step right now, and join me for ONE incredible day:

Introducing Property 2020

The Winning Strategies To Get You Started In Property In 2020...


Get Your First Foot In The Door Of Financial Freedom Through Property

The day is split into two key Sessions (with regular breaks) packed full of great content, actionable information, golden nuggets, expertise, the winning property strategies for 2020 and a proven step-by-step system to follow.

And because of the SYSTEM, much as we’ll pack the day full of value and content for you, it’s also easily digestible. 

The entire point of the event is to give you the confidence to move forward with your property journey (OR build a better portfolio if you’ve already got started!). Here's what to expect on the day:

Session #1

Secrets To Securing Your First Ever Successful Property Deal! 

You will learn how to:

Get a property without the need for a mortgage and deposit

​Master the perfect low-risk "entry strategy" 

Generate £1,000 per month profit from each house (without using any of your own money) 

​Know EXACTLY where the best deals are hiding 

Have so many deals coming your way you get to CHOOSE the pick of the bunch  

Session #2

How To Explode Your Portfolio In The Next 12-Months 

During the afternoon you'll discover:

The best way to grow your property business to amazing new heights (without falling flat on your financial face) ...even with zero business experience 

How to systemise your business so it's hands-free allowing you total freedom AND a passive income 

Lessons from my time with billionaire Sir Richard Branson

Plus… Get Some Exclusive Surprise Extras When You Secure Your FREE Ticket Today! 


My Ultimate Goal

Is to help you become financially free through property, leave the 9-5 grind (if you want to) and be in a position to make your own rules in life and to be able to live life on your own terms…in as little as 12-months time! 

See What My Other Students Have To Say

Testimonial Title

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Client Name

Jack Gill

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Testimonial Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Client Name

Who's The Right Kind Of Person To

Attend Property 2020?

A better question would be who's the kind of person that Property 2020 is WRONG for, because that's a far smaller group of people... 

The people that Property 2020 is WRONG for are those who: 

Will never actually DO anything to achieve their goals

Are ok to settle for ‘average’ in life

​Looking for a "Get Rich Quick" scheme 

​Blame others instead of taking responsibility in life

But, if you want more out of life like: 

Enjoying more holidays and experiencing the world

​A happy, secure, financially comfortable retirement 

​Owning your dream home / car

​Paying off your mortgage

​Building you own business (maybe more than one!) 

​Doing the things that you’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time or the money to do them

​Creating memories with loved ones

Taking your kids to school and being at their sports day or school play

​Contributing to charity and making a positive difference in the world

​Or maybe just taking it easier in life and not having to worry about money!

...AND more importantly, you want to do what it takes to achieve all that, then Property 2020 is for you!

It doesn't matter if you know nothing about property/running a business. It doesn't matter if you don’t have a big pot of cash to get started. It doesn't matter if you have bad credit or can’t get a mortgage.

…there is a WAY FOR YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN PROPERTY! – and that’s what I’ll show you at Property 2020.

NB, this is a One-Off event. 

All you have to do is register your place now, and then be there on the day. And remember, we have a limited allocation if free tickets currently available: 

Secure Your Ticket To Start Building Your Investment Portfolio In 2020

2020 © Paul Preston - All Rights Reserved